Our organic spirulina powder comes from a chlorophyll-rich freshwater alga grown and harvested on a small island in the South China Sea. It consists of 60% protein and contains all essential amino acids. Ours has a so-called "broken cell wall", which means that the hard-to-digest layer of cellulose fibers is gone so that you can absorb the nutrients more efficiently.
Spirulina algae is rich in protein and, in addition to all essential amino acids, vitamin B and the minerals calcium, magnesium and iron.
Our spirulina is grown in ponds with carefully filtered fresh water that is extracted from great depths underground. The farm is surrounded by pristine natural forests and completely isolated from urban areas and pollution from agriculture. No chemical pesticides are used in the cultivation, which takes place under natural sunlight. Algae intended for consumption is carefully checked upon harvest by an independent certification body, all to ensure that no unapproved heavy metal limit values are exceeded in the product when it is sold.
Use in smoothies or juice and preferably together with a little squeezed lemon, banana or apple to moderate the strong taste. If you're hardcore, just mix with water for a shot! If you are a beginner, halve the dose at the beginning. You can also mix into raw food balls, raw bars or chia pudding.
Användning / Dosering
1-2 tsp/day. We recommend starting with half of the daily dose and then gradually increasing it. Contains a lot of iodine. Avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Förvaring / Förbrukning
Oöppnad förpackning: Dry and cool in a sealed bag.
Öppnad förpackning: Dry and cool in a sealed bag.
Återvinning / Sortering
Sorted as plastic.