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products & Ingredients

Our kombucha does not need to be refrigerated, even though it is unpasteurized and raw, because we use a particularly sophisticated filtration process. This process removes some of the scoby (symbiotic cultcure of bacteria and yeast) and leaves just enough for it to be active and
be useful. That way we can control the amount of scoby. And yes, it does contain live bacterial culture and yeast. Our Kombucha is naturally carbonated and the bottle should always be handled carefully and never shaken. At home, it should be kept cool, not above normal room temperature.

The chlorella and spirulina are grown and harvested on a small island in the South China Sea. They grow in freshwater ponds where the water is extracted deep underground. They are carefully filtered before use to ensure they are completely pure. The cultivation area is surrounded by untouched natural forests and is completely isolated from urban areas and other possible sources of pollution, e.g. Agriculture. No chemical pesticides are used in the production of our chlorella and spirulina and they are allowed to grow outside under natural sunlight. Every shipment of chlorella and spirulina (and all other superfoods!) is tested for the presence of heavy metals, pesticides and for microbiological values ​​to ensure the highest quality.

Yes it has.

Yes, our honey is heated.

No, none of our coconut oils contain citric acid. Without Neutral Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil, they are all produced without citric acid. This is because we exclusively use coconuts of extra high quality and then no citric acid is needed in the production process.

At the moment we do not have the possibility to make our classic granolas organic, but of course we are working on this.

Sorry, when ginger chews are machine-packaged, it happens that an empty portion wrapping paper slips through. That despite the fact that we do
an extra manual check of the coals before they are packed in bags. Each bag is check-weighed twice so the total weight is always correct and is a couple of grams
above the marked weight. The bags that weigh incorrectly are sorted out.

To begin with, this is a consequence of our decision not to use palm oil. Sunflower oil is therefore a better alternative. Our sunflower oil also contains an extra large amount of oleic acid and is often called high oleic sunflower oil. Oleic acid is a fatty acid that is stable when heated and thus no trans fats are formed during the production of our chips. Because the oleic acid content is so high, so is the omega 6 content
much lower than in ordinary sunflower oil.

Many avoid omega 6 because large amounts are considered inflammatory, but omega 6 in adequate amounts is needed for the body to feel good. The average Swede does not eat too much omega 6, but is rather on the verge of getting too little.

The bread is packed when it is very hot and in a more or less sterile environment so it does not mold if there is condensation in the packaging as long as there are no holes in the packaging. The moisture will go back into the bread.

No, the cotton in all our Lingon Week products is completely organic and thus no chemical pesticides have been used.

The GI value of our agave is about 39. Yes, it is a particularly good variety – blue agave.

The chocolate needs to be protected from oxidation because it is a very fatty product and just paper is not enough, the fat will migrate out into the paper and taste it. Without aluminium, the chocolate can also take on the taste of other foods. Aluminum is an inert metal at room temperature, so it does not react with the environment and also weighs only 1.3 grams. Aluminum is therefore a good alternative at the moment, but we are constantly investigating possibilities for further improvement.

We have deliberately made our granolas a little less sweet and most of them are only sweetened with a splash of apple juice. And it's sugar that causes granola to clump. That's why there are also slightly smaller lumps in our granola than in many others. The crunchy bits in our granolas also became slightly smaller as we switched from palm oil to rapeseed oil a long time ago, which we think is worth it.

When it's hot, the colors may soften slightly and stick to the paper. To try to prevent this, our Ginger Chews are rolled in tapioca. If the coals have been out in the heat, you can put them in the fridge for a short time.

It is certainly possible to do with less sugar in Ginger Chews, but then several properties are lost. If sugar is removed, it must be replaced by something else to achieve the same good taste. The sugar also adds texture and is a preservative. Alternative sweeteners could be used, but then the product would be less natural, more expensive and, above all, not as good.

No, our Tahini is made from 100% sesame seeds from Ethiopia which is considered to have the best sesame seeds in the world. They maintain a high quality and naturally have a high fat content, which gives an extra creamy tahini. Tahini is made from unshelled sesame and is rich in iron, calcium and zinc.

It is normal for the oil to layer and settle on top. You can poke small holes in the spread using a knife so that the oil flows back and then mix together using a chopstick or small spoon.

Our apple cider vinegar and raspberry vinegar have a 5% acid content and do not need to be kept refrigerated. Our ginger, turmeric and chili apple cider vinegar drink has a lower acid content and should therefore be kept refrigerated after opening the bottle.

A growth of bacteria and yeast has formed in the bottle, of the kind that likes oxygen, which is why it settles at the top. Our apple cider vinegar drink - ginger, turmeric and chili has a lower acid content and should therefore be kept refrigerated after opening the bottle, otherwise bacterial growth may form in the bottle.

Our Matcha grade A comes from Nara and Kyoto, both located about 70 miles from Fukushima. The matcha has been tested several times for different types of radiation, and nothing bad or dangerous was found.

What researchers only warn against are high doses, i.e. doses that are significantly higher than the daily requirement. And in the studies (on mice) that showed an increased risk of cancer, 5 and 50 times higher doses of, for example, vitamin E than the corresponding daily requirement were used.

If you only get antioxidants through your diet, it is very difficult to get into dangerous overdoses, but with supplements in general, the risk is greater. At the same time, we must not forget that the immune system needs different types of supplements and antioxidants to function normally, so you also cannot protect yourself against cancer by not getting this - so, "just enough is best" is always best!

All our supplements are certified for Safe Dietary Supplements for consumers and the indicated dosage is carefully adjusted (below the recommended daily requirement) to be safe based on today's research.

It is a film yeast (not mold) that usually appears if the opened package has been stored too warm. Although it may look unpleasant, it is completely harmless and tasteless. Instead, just poke the yeast off and store the opened bottle cool.

No. Coconut butter is neither raw nor pressed. Without it, the coconut is ground (about 85 degrees) and is thus more to be considered powdered. The product is then sterilized (further a little warmer, approx. 120 degrees) to ensure microbiological quality and durability.

No, the product is neither bad nor dangerous. Although it may look a little sad, it is completely harmless and tasteless. The layer sometimes occurs with larger temperature changes, such as between a cooled warehouse and a warm store shelf under strong lighting. The origin of this is that we have deliberately chosen not to add emulsifiers, preservatives or other additives that we consider to be inferior alternatives.

There are different types of cassava that can be dangerous or if the raw material is not handled correctly. The cassava we use is a sweeter variety that is not defined as toxic (less than 10 mg/kg cyanogenic glucoside, HCN) and is also carefully controlled and handled. In our case, all raw materials are also washed twice and then fried.

Adaptogens are some plants and fungi that contain selected bioactive substances that affect our cells' ability to adapt to strain and stress. The name adaptogens is connected with the English word "adapt", to adapt. Adaptogens are particularly popular in alternative medicine.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is needed, among other things, for cell metabolism and for the formation of blood cells. It is also necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. Not least for vegans, it is important to supplement with vitamin B12 or sufficient amounts of fortified foods, as it is otherwise mainly found naturally in animal foods.

Recommended intake is 2 micrograms/day, but there is no indication that a high intake (up to 100 micrograms) can be linked to any negative effects.

About 30% of B12 is lost when heated, but thanks to our high dose of B12 per cup, you still get your daily recommended intake of B12.

The type we use is called cyanocobalamin and is completely chemically produced (not animal).

You should never overdose on anything, but always be moderate in what you eat and drink, but there is no indication that many cups per day would be dangerous. The body is able to take care of and sort most things in reasonable proportions.

You should never overdose on anything and always be moderate in what you eat and drink, but there is no indication that many smoothie boosts per day would be dangerous. The body is able to take care of and sort most things in reasonable proportions.

Order & Delivery (e-commerce)

See our guide "How to shop" under Order in Terms and Conditions.

Once your order is confirmed, we can change or stop it. Therefore, contact our consumer service by email or using the contact form under Contact as soon as possible.

You can cancel and return goods by contacting our consumer service by email or using the contact form under Contact.

This must take place within 14 days of receiving your order.

You pay for the return shipping yourself and return your order well packaged, in perfect condition and in unbroken packaging according to information on or in the packaging. After that, we will pay back the amount as soon as possible, depending on the selected payment option.

If your order is damaged or incorrect, make a complaint to our consumer service by email or using the contact form under Contact as soon as possible.

We use offers several different payment solutions such as Kortbetalning, Klarna, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Shopify Pay.

Promotions and promotional codes are sometimes sent out in our newsletters or are otherwise visible on our websites. A promo code is a letter/number combination that gives a discount on your order. After you enter your code and click Activate, the discount is deducted directly from your shopping cart and checkout. Two promotional codes cannot be combined.

Contact Klarna via email or telephone on 08-120 120 10. You can also go directly to Klarna's website and get information about your invoice. Log in with your personal or organization number and the invoice's OCR number.

For those of our products that are not food, for example kitchen utensils, warranty conditions normally apply for 1 year days from the date of purchase (as a private person, you are also covered by the Consumer Purchase Act). Read more on Warranty under Terms.

You can track your order yourself via the tracking number and link that you receive together with the delivery confirmation. This is emailed as soon as the order has been packed and shipped from us. If the order does not arrive, contact our consumer service by email or using the contact form under Contact.

Our general delivery time is 2 to 3 working days depending on which postcode your order will be delivered to. If the product is out of stock, the order may take a few more days.

Yes, we deliver to mainly within the Nordic countries and within the EU, and geographical differences may occur. In connection with deliveries abroad, e.g. outside the EU, we may have to charge an extra administration fee for, among other things, customs handling and the like.

The cost of delivery depends on the location to which you want the order and which delivery option you have chosen. If you have ordered goods over a certain amount, the delivery cost may be included. Current amount appears in connection with payment at checkout and when choosing a delivery method.

In connection with deliveries abroad, e.g. outside the EU, we may have to charge an extra administration fee for, among other things, customs handling and the like.

Order & Delivery (Retailer)

If you want to get in touch with us regarding ordering our products, contact us via email or with the contact form under Contact.

If you want to get in touch with us regarding ordering our products, contact us via email or with the contact form under Contact. Where we look forward to helping you quickly and correctly.

Nutrition declaration & Nutritional value

Read more under the main menu Shop where you will find all our products. And after the product description, the nutrition declaration and nutritional value of all our products are indicated. Of course, you will also find it on the product itself. If you have more specific questions, please contact us under Contact.

We are not allowed to give individual dietary advice or medical advice, but are happy to answer questions about our products. If you have further questions, we recommend contacting a doctor/midwife or similar.

It depends entirely on which vegetables or fruits you mix in your juice. If you are looking to keep calories down, you should avoid sweet juices and focus on as much green as possible. A juice made exclusively from fruit usually has a sugar content of about 10 percent. For all the juices we make ourselves and sell at Pepstop, there are nutrition declarations on the packaging (except for "Today's harvest", which varies).

Claims & Complaints

Sorry to hear you are not satisfied. Read more under terms and conditions and contact us via email or with the contact form under Contact, where we look forward to helping you quickly and correctly.

Allergy & Diet

Coconut oil consists largely of saturated fat, which is not good in large quantities as it can cause elevated cholesterol. As many of our customers are vegetarians or at least don't eat much meat and dairy, this is rarely a problem as they don't get very much saturated fat.

What is special about coconut oil, if you compare it to other solid fats, is that coconut oil contains a large amount of short and medium-length saturated fatty acids and it is these that are said to have healthy properties. However, we at Renée Voltaire do not like coconut oil primarily for its health properties, but for its good taste and excellent baking properties. And especially raw food. If you don't eat butter, it's also perfect to have on a sandwich. Simply a great product!

Yes, in 2018 Belgian authorities discovered that both spirulina and chlorella contain natural sulfites. The fact that they are natural means that they are not added to the algae, but that they form this themselves as a natural protection. Sulfites are not dangerous but can cause asthmatic problems if you are allergic. But the content of sulfites is well below the limit when you mix two teaspoons in a glass of water. By limit value is meant the value that applies when you need to label that the product contains sulfites. As a precaution, we will still do this for the products containing spirulina and chlorella when reprinting.

Plant-based & Vegan

Yes, there are many concepts to keep track of. Here are some:

Vegetarian – a vegetarian does not eat meat, poultry, fish or shellfish. According to the national encyclopedia, you don't eat eggs or dairy products, which can be confusing as the term has several meanings. Some say they are vegetarians but are actually lacto-ovo vegetarians.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian – a lacto-ovo-vegetarian eats dairy products, eggs and vegetarian foods. However, the person does not eat meat, poultry, fish or shellfish. A lacto-vegetarian eats dairy products but not eggs while an ovo-vegetarian eats eggs but not dairy products.

Vegan – vegans do not eat anything from the animal kingdom, meaning that meat, fish, poultry and shellfish, eggs and dairy products are excluded. You also don't eat honey or gelatin. Some vegans also adopt a completely vegan lifestyle where leather, hides, wool, down, wax are excluded but also products that have been tested on animals, for example skin care products, shampoo and cosmetics.

Flexitarian - a flexitarian can be loosely described as a part-time vegetarian who has a more forgiving attitude to what they themselves eat. Perhaps the person eats completely vegetarian or lacto-ovo-vegetarian a few days a week or for periods while he sometimes also eats meat, fish, shellfish or poultry.

Pescetarian – a pescetarian eats fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy products, but not meat or poultry.

Pollotarian – a pollotarian eats poultry, eggs and dairy but not meat or fish.

The vast, vast majority of our products are vegan. However, there are a few exceptions: Some of our chocolate products contain milk powder (however, we are working to remove this as well). Of course, the honey is not vegan either. Our goal is that new products that are included in the range must be vegan. Everything produced in our own kitchen in Årsta and everything sold in our own store Pepstop is 100% plant-based.

How nice that you think of us when you say you want to start eating better! Eating raw food means eating plant-based food that is not heated to more than about 42 degrees. It's a big step to take and we advise you to hurry slowly and not be too hard on yourself. It can be overwhelming to switch from one day to another and then it is easy to lose motivation. In addition, the stomach can also protest if one is not so used to fresh vegetables. Nuts and seeds are the staple food of a raw food lover. On our websites for Renée Voltaire and Pepstop you will find lots of inspiration and suggestions for products you can start with and not least how to get started.

If you live in Stockholm, please visit us in our Pepstop store. Raw food enthusiasts work there who are happy to help you, and we often hold courses that might be interesting for you.

Environment & Sustainability

Renée Voltaire has, in its total range of almost 200 items distributed among twelve different categories, a total proportion of organic of about 90%, which we are very proud of. And our careful sustainability work spans both climatic, social and economic criteria as well as in all its stages – development, raw materials, manufacturing, packaging and transport, etc. Add to that access to special raw materials from all over the world with ever-changing seasonal differences and variations, as well as the fact that our own production and the vast majority of our suppliers and producers carry out artisanal and small-scale production of the highest premium quality.

That last 10% is therefore in principle impossible to achieve without compromising our constant innovation and sustainability work (there is always some dimension that cannot be achieved, or rather actually does not exist). In any case, if at the same time you have to take into account that the final price for the consumer should not be completely unreasonable and that both our customers and ourselves should receive reasonable margins. Of course, Renée Voltaire is not content with anything other than 100%, which we are confident we can achieve over time. But given the composition of a certain product in its respective life cycle, there will still be exceptions to this rule and ambition for a while. As I said, we would like to give ourselves a small pat on the back for having approx. 85% organic within Renée Voltaire and approx. 95% organic within Pepstop on a total of approx. 350 articles."

Within Renée Voltaire, with a total of around 200 products, we have an organic share of approximately 90%. And within Pesptop, with another 100 products fresh from the day, we have an organic share of approximately 95%. Something that we are really passionate about, but at the same time fight for it to increase even though there are also other parts that are at least as important in sustainable food production.

No, none of our products contain palm oil!

A large percentage of our products are produced abroad (almost 25 different countries worldwide), so transport is one of our absolute focus areas within environment and sustainability. That's why we climate compensate for every trip and every transport we make. And always choose boat and train over plane and truck. It is a compromise that is difficult to avoid because not everything can be grown organically in Sweden.

Our coconuts are picked by people and therefore not by monkeys, which unfortunately occur in some parts of the world. Those of our products that contain coconut in various forms – e.g. coconut chocolate, coconut oil and coconut water – come mainly from Sri Lanka and Thailand, whose nuts are not picked by monkeys. This is evident from various forms of certification and assurance documents in connection with our procurement. We disassociate ourselves from all forms of animal cruelty and other forms of unethical food production, and support further investigations by animal rights groups and the industry itself. In order to make sure again that our products are not covered by this, we are now immediately starting an internal review and requesting renewed documents from all our suppliers and initiating special checks of our own by an independent party.

Different materials have different properties. Metal is usually used to keep light and moisture out and plastic to keep it airtight and protect from external influences and for transparency. The combination of packaging can vary indefinitely depending on the properties of the product. If in one case we only had cardboard, moisture and air could escape and destroy the product. It's a balancing act, but we obviously strive to be as environmentally conscious as possible and not use more material than is necessary. And that throughout the chain, i.e. not just the product packaging itself, but also other types of packaging.

Contact & Dealers

Fun! Contact us by email or with the contact form under Contact. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our products are available at all the major food chains, in health food stores and pharmacies. You can also find them in independent shops focusing on ecology and health. As the range varies depending on where you live, it is best to contact your nearest stores directly. Of course, you can otherwise order them here in our webshop under Shop.


No, apart from our own Pepstop stores, we currently do not operate any restaurants. But the ones you are probably thinking of are run by Renée's sister or nieces – Lotta Voltaire and Sally Voltaire & Sisters, with whom we have no business connection or collaboration. They are completely separate companies and we also have no insight into each other's operations.