Our beautifully light brown organic and gluten-free soba noodles are made according to time-honored traditions in Japan from carefully selected buckwheat and completely without eggs or other strange additives and, as one of the very few in the world, in a certified completely gluten-free environment. The air drying causes the noodles to slowly mature and the flavors to concentrate. Buckwheat has ancient origins in Asia and, despite its name and its properties as flour, is not a type of grain but rather related to rhubarb. Real noodles must not be mistaken for pasta either.
Boil the noodles (about 100 grams per portion) in plenty of water for about 5 minutes (do not boil for too long) and rinse carefully immediately afterwards in cold water to remove the starch around the buckwheat. For example, marinate in tamari and serve in a cold salad, hot soup or quickly heat in a wok.
Användning / Dosering
Place the noodles in a pan of boiling water. Cook 5-6 minutes. Pour the noodles into a colander and rinse with cold water. Allow the water to drain.
Förvaring / Förbrukning
Oöppnad förpackning: Dry and cool.
Öppnad förpackning: Dry and cool in a sealed bag.
Återvinning / Sortering
Sorted as plastic.